Proving Fault in a Weather-Related Accident
Unfortunately, one cannot file a personal injury lawsuit against Mother Nature. The weather contributes significantly to many car accidents, especially in the winter. However, drivers have a duty to take the weather conditions into consideration and adjust their driving accordingly. Simple measures like slowing down earlier when approaching a red light can keep drivers safe even in harsh weather. While it is harder to avoid an accident when the roads are icy and visibility is poor, most car accidents in poor weather could have been prevented through more careful driving. Proving fault can be slightly more difficult when the weather contributes significantly to an accident. You will need an experienced DuPage County, IL car accident attorney to help hold the at-fault driver responsible for the crash.
Finding Witnesses May Be More ChallengingĀ
Neutral witnesses can be very helpful in establishing fault for a car accident. However, witnesses are less likely to stop and wait for the police when it is cold and snowing. Pedestrians do not want to stand outside any longer than necessary. Other drivers may not have had a clear view of what happened if heavy snow limited visibility.
Your attorney may be able to identify potential witnesses by using information gained from traffic cameras or security cameras on nearby buildings. Other drivers can sometimes be identified by their license plates even if they did not stop to provide their information.
Telling Negligence From Bad LuckĀ
There are rare instances where, no matter how careful and skillful a driver is, Mother Nature will win, and an accident will happen. For example, a driver doing everything right could still be pushed out of his lane by an extreme gust of wind. Drivers who simply failed to adjust their driving to the weather often argue that theirs is one of these cases. Fortunately, snowy conditions are conducive to showing important evidence like slide marks that can help establish when and where a driver started braking or began to drift.
It is important to contact an attorney right away if you are involved in a bad-weather car accident. Necessary evidence can be lost quickly if too much time passes. Your attorney will want to act quickly to ensure important evidence can be preserved.
Contact a DuPage County, IL Car Accident Attorney
SpyratosDavis LLC is dedicated to helping people injured by negligent drivers. Our experienced Lisle, IL car crash lawyers will do all we can to recover the compensation you are entitled to. Contact us at 630-810-8881 for a complimentary consultation.